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Clarinda Park Photography offers Event Photography services in Parkes, Forbes, Trundle, and nearby towns.

Harness Racing

Horse Photographer

Clarinda Park Photography expertise and main focus is taking photos of horses during the harness racing meeting.

Clarinda Park Photography is the in-house I.T. Support and Photographer of Parkes Harness Racing Club

Back in 2015, it started with taking horse photos as a hobby. I started taking photos of the horses (foals, mares, and stallions) in our horse breeding farm, the Clarinda Park Horses

These days, Clarinda Park Photography takes photos of all the horse harness race meeting in Parkes Harness Racing Club.

If you think your local harness racing club would benefit on the great action shots and superb quality photos Clarinda Park Photography could offer, you may book the harness racing photography service of Clarinda Park Photography by contacting:


Phone: 0407834567

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